She is an Araucana I think.. But I have really taken to this one as she is a quite little bird. Not shy though. She watches everything I do instead of running for the corner of the box like the others. When held close she snuggles right down in my hands and takes a nap.
I'm not sure if I'm scaring her so much that she's to afraid to run away or move or if she genuinely doesn't mind me. Hoping for the latter!
I haven't named this one yest, I'm waiting for her personality to come out.. She almost made her name today though when she peeped her head up from her little nap in my hand against my chest while typing the previous paragraph. She simply looked right at me peeped and then I heard the unmistakable sound of being crapped on. That would be my first encounter with the chicken Pooh. And WOW does it Stink!
I have never ran so fast to get the bird back in her box and to my room to get the shirt off. That smell is one I will not forget soon. GAG!!!!
Thought I would share that little horror story with you. Hopefully you will get more of a laugh than I did!
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